Tree sponsorship for companies

A tree sponsorship is the best way for a company to contribute sustainably to environmental, climate, and nature protection. There are several ways for companies to do something worthy for our future. Foremost, every company (and each one of us) must reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the consumption of natural resources. The ultimate opportunity to make a quick change that will stop or, at least, slow down climate change lies here. Stopping deforestation would also be an essential factor in keeping our climate in balance.

Sustainability for companies

Planting trees is a significant part of every sustainability strategy to do something good for the environment. Afforestation projects help make our forests more climate-resilient to withstand the demands of future climate changes. The following options are available if you want to plant trees with us:

  • Tree sponsorship as part of your sustainability strategy
    You can plant trees as a one-time contribution or a regular commitment,to commemorate a corporate anniversary, as an incentive for marketing activities, as a compensation for natural ressources and packaging, as a gift for employees and customers, etc.

  • Link business trips and company events with planting trees
    Online meetings, business trips and company events always cost natural resources. You can link your company activities with trees to bring the cycle of give and take back into balance. We also have a great business partner who can help you create a fantastic, app-based team building event with lots of fun. The result is that the team earns virtual points that are transferred to actual trees planted.

Benefits of tree sponsorship

  • Protection of our German forests as important local recreation areas and holiday destinations
  • Preservation of valuable ecosystems for fauna and flora
  • Improving biodiversity in the forest
  • Better groundwater storage
  • Protection against soil erosion
  • Direct promotion of several UN goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda
  • Possibilities of use for green marketing
  • Positive perception among employees/customers