2030 Agenda: 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda are more than just topics that deal with climate protection measures. They cover different aspects of people’s lives on our globe and seek to remedy the climate grievances of this world. The effects of climate change will hit the poorest countries the hardest.

Planting trees supports various UN goals
Planting trees supports all 17 SDG goals. The goals concerning tree planting directly are:
- Goal 1 – “End poverty in all its forms everywhere.”
- Goal 13 – “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact.”
- Goal 15 – “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.”

The primary reason people cut down forests is poverty. Families sell timber to feed themselves. Planting trees counteracts this problem. Tree projects create jobs that lead to sustainable livelihoods. Terrestrial and aquatic life cycles (e.g., through mangroves) are of crucial importance. The conservation of our natural ecosystems, biodiversity, and maintenance of global stability, are key concerns.
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time.
The average global temperature is 1° Celsius (33.8° Fahrenheit) higher than in pre-industrial times. The last four years have been the warmest since we began documenting temperature records in 1880. Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is rising rapidly by 146 percent compared to pre-industrial times. As a result, the ice on the poles and in the glaciers around the world is melting. In the past 25 years, 3 trillion tons of ice have melted. This amount corresponds to 150 tankers fully loaded with ice driving past us on the motorway every second.
Climate change has caused more frequent landslides, floods, hurricanes, drought, heatwaves, heavy rains, and storm surges. These extreme events destroy people’s homes, crops, and food supplies. Every year, about 21.5 million people flee from their homes due to the effects of climate change. This occurrence is similar to all Australia’s residents moving to another country at the same time. Climate change also affects animals and plants, which may become extinct eventually.
Between 1998 and 2017, climate change caused damages amounting to almost $2.3 trillion. About 1.3 million people have died during this time because of climate-related disasters. Yet, the world invests more (over $100 billion) in fossil fuels than in climate protection.
Source: https://17ziele.de/ziele/13.html