Tree projects in Hesse

We are very passionate about tree projects in Hesse because we are based in Wiesbaden. The forests in Hesse urgently need our help to continue to shine in lush green. Here, you will find an overview of the current tree projects that we have in Hesse and completed tree projects, which we supported.

Aufforstungsfläche Taunus, bei Frankfurt

Planting trees near Frankfurt/Main

Thanks to great cooperation with private forest owners, we can further expand the reforestation work in Neu-Anspach/Taunus near Frankfurt.

On the left you can see an old photo (there aren’t that many trees there anymore) of our new project location. Together with a company from Frankfurt, we will plant 400 chestnuts in the green marked area in November 2023.

The area marked in blue offers space for another 1,000 trees.
Would you like to sponser trees for this tree project?

aufforstungsflaeche im odenwald, umbringt von fichten

Planting trees in the Odenwald

We have the first forest areas in the Odenwald, in 64711 Erbach / Ebersberg. We can plant 500 trees here. More forest areas are available.
Goal: reforestation and build a climate-friendly mixed forest with Douglas firs, bird cherries, chestnuts and spit maple.

Distances to the following locations:

  • Darmstadt: 55 km 
  • Heppenheim: 35 km
  • Mannheim: 55 km  
  • Heidelberg: 50 km   
  • Bensheim: 40 km

Are you interested in supporting this tree project?

Completed tree projects in Hesse

aufforstung, heimischer wald, taunus, wiesbaden, frankfurt
aufforstung, heimischer wald, wiesbaden, frankfurt
aufforstung, heimischer wald, taunus, wiesbaden, frankfurt

Reforestation in the Taunus

In October 2023, we found another wonderful tree partner, who planted 400 trees with us in the Taunus – in Neu-Anspach.

Tree project in the Taunus: Brombach

This project in the Brombach forest district, near Seelenberg/Schmitten, was an open tree project. Different companies, business/event partners and private individuals sponsored trees for this forest area without having a minimum number of trees. Thank you to all tree sponsors!

Afforstation in the Taunus: Neu-Anspach

We set up an individual tree project in Neu-Anspach for Merz Therapeutics GmbH from Frankfurt/Main. The area belongs to a private forest owner from Neu-Anspach, who was very happy about the valuable commitment. The tree sponsorship included 1,000 trees. Thanks to ideal weather conditions after planting, the young seedlings have grown excellently and do well against the weeds around them, which are regularly professionally removed.

Here, you see some impressions of the forest area on the day of the forest planting in April 2023.
This is what it looks like before new trees are planted.

Afforestation in the Taunus: Weilsberg/Feldberg

The project in the Taunus, in Weilsberg/Schmitten, is coming to an end. A total of 15,000 sessile oaks, hornbeams and copper beeches have been planted here since spring 2022. Not all by and through us, but some. Thanks to our great partners and tree sponsors. It’s great that you’re all so committed!

Team event in Neu-Anspach

At the end of October 2022, we quickly implemented a project with 240 trees in Neu-Anspach.
A company from Frankfurt and eleven cheerful employees took up the shovel, the spade and many seedlings and planted new trees diligently.
You did a fantastic job!

It was a great morning with lots of fun!
Thank you!

Travel & Tree Baumprojekt

Reforestation in the Koberstadt Forest

In November 2021, we supported a reforestation project in the Koberstadt Forest.
The Rotary Club Dreieich-Isenburg, the Rotary Club Offenbach-Dreieich, and the HessenForst forest office in Langen collaborated on the project.
We joined this project and got some partners who sponsored a few trees.

Aufforstung im Taunus: Neu-Anspach

Für Merz Therapeutics GmbH aus Frankfurt/Main haben wir ein individuelles Baumprojekt in Neu-Anspach umgesetzt. Die Fläche gehört einem Privatwaldbesitzer aus Neu-Anspach, der sich sehr über das Engagement gefreut hat. Das Baum-Sponsoring umfasste 1.000 Bäume, die hier nun wachsen können.
Dank idealer Wetterbedingungen nach der Pflanzung sind die jungen Setzlinge exzellent. Herzlichen Dank!