Planting Trees in Bad Schussenried

We have the opportunity to reforest various forest areas in Upper Swabia near Bad Schussenried and Ingoldingen. Currently, these areas are mostly populated by spruce trees. Due to drought, windthrow, and bark beetle infestations, damaged areas have emerged, which now need to be replanted in order to create a climate-resilient mixed forest.

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Reforestation in Upper Swabia

The total area of the five individual forest sites is approximately 6.5 hectares. We would like to invite you and your company to participate in the reforestation efforts. Every tree counts in helping to preserve our local forests, especially the natural beauty that serves as a recreational and wellness oasis for all of us. The new trees planted today will become the forests of tomorrow.

We want to plant 2,000 new trees, which will be protected from wildlife browsing by either fencing or individual tree guards, depending on the location. We will consider the following tree species:

  • Beech 
  • Oak 
  • Maple 
  • Larch 
  • Douglas fir 
  • Silver fir 

Are you in? Will you sponsor a few trees? We look forward to hearing from you.

baeume pflanzen bei sigmaringen, biberach, muttensweiler, oberschwaben, aufforstung in bad schussenried
wald, natur, baeume pflanzen, ingoldingen, ravensburg, schlier, biberach, bad schussenried
baum sponsoring fuer unternehmen, baum-abo, regelmaessiger beitrag, nachhaltigkeit, aufforstung
aufforstung, wald, natur, baeume pflanzen, ingoldingen, ravensburg, schlier, biberach, bad schussenried

Reforestation in Upper Swabia: Interesting to Know

The region around Bad Schussenried and the district of Biberach is known for its beautiful and diverse landscape, which is heavily forested. The forests here play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and provide habitats for numerous species of plants and animals. The Upper Swabian landscape is particularly remarkable for its mix of forests, moors, hills, and bodies of water. This diversity creates valuable ecosystems that contribute to the region’s biodiversity, as well as to its climate and air quality.

The forests in the region also hold significant cultural and historical value. Many of the forests in Upper Swabia have been managed and cared for over centuries, which has helped preserve their integrity to this day. Additionally, the forests around Bad Schussenried offer plenty of hiking and recreational opportunities for nature enthusiasts. Here are a few distances to help with orientation:

  • Biberach: 20 km
  • Ravensburg: 30 km
  • Sigmaringen: 43 km
  • Ulm: 60 km

Reforestation projects in Upper Swabia are especially important as climate conditions continue to stress and heavily impact the forests. Through targeted reforestation, local forests can be strengthened, new habitats can be created, and the regional climate can be positively influenced. At the same time, such projects help preserve Upper Swabia’s unique cultural landscape.