Planting trees in the Taunus: Hohenstein

We now have new forest areas near Wiesbaden, Bad Schwalbach and Taunusstein that we can reforest in cooperation with the HessenForst. The forest area is also called “Engelsgarten” and is located near the town of Hennethal.

regionale aufforstung, taunus, wiesbaden, bad schwalbach, taunusstein

Reforestation: urgent need for action

One first area (marked in red on the right) is 0.5 hectares in size. There used to be a 60-year-old spruce forest here, mixed with beech trees. The areas fell victim to the bark beetle. Since then, no natural regeneration has occurred.

The problem now is that the area is becoming overgrown more and more quickly. It is becoming increasingly urgent to act and plant new trees. The grass growth makes it very unlikely that the seeds of the beech and larch trees that grow in the area have a chance of sinking into the ground, germinating and growing on their own. For these reasons, this area must be planted promptly. Together with you we want to give everything here!

Based on tree species potential maps and the expertise of experienced district and forestry managers, the following tree species are to be replanted on this reforestation area to create a climate-fit forest: red oak, winter lime, sweet chestnut, tree hazel and bird cherry.

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Why Reforestation in the Taunus is Important and What It Achieves

Reforestation in the Taunus is crucial to protect the natural environment and climate of the region. Especially in the areas around Wiesbaden, Bad Schwalbach, and Taunusstein, forests are valuable ecosystems that also serve as important recreational spaces for everyone living and working here. A healthy forest provides many essential functions, such as producing oxygen (which we breathe), purifying the air, storing water, and preserving biodiversity. 

However, due to climate change, heat, storms, windthrow, and pests, these forests are under significant stress and are at risk. Reforestation projects like the Hohenstein tree project help preserve the region sustainably – for everyone who lives here.

For businesses from Wiesbaden and the wider Taunus area, supporting such projects offers an excellent opportunity to take responsibility for the environment right on their doorstep. Planting trees is not only a direct contribution to climate protection, but also a statement of sustainable action. This resonates well with the community, customers, and young professionals alike.

The preservation and reforestation of our forests around Wiesbaden, Bad Schwalbach, Taunusstein, and the surrounding areas are crucial for securing the region’s long-term quality of life. By planting trees with your business, you are doing something good in many ways – for yourself and for others.