Tree packages for hotels & guesthouses
There are different ways for hotels and guest houses to combine accommodation offers with a tree package. You can use a tree package for overnight stays and for conferences and other events in your function rooms.
The principle is the same in each case: you offer your guests or customers an additional package called an “environmental lump sum” or “climate protection contribution” or something similar. Such a ‘green’ add-on is a tree package. Please note: there are no additional costs for planting the trees.

Best choice: always plant a tree
The ideal process is one in which every guest or customer always has the option to book an environmental lump sum, in addition to the accommodation or function room reservation. Otherwise, they have to carry out a second laborious and time-wasting process elsewhere to contribute to climate protection. The process is often postponed and sometimes not completed at all. To make this process a lot easier for everyone, we have included tree packages so that you can book any of them immediately.
You can find more information on our separate MICE industry page on how to combine function rooms, conferences or other events with a tree package.
Combine hotel specials with tree packages
We are always open to creative ideas to make special offers work. If you wish to create a special deal, we would be happy to collaborate with you to identify innovative ways to boost the number of direct bookings. We would be delighted to assist you in making your overnight stay more environmentally friendly so that you can take advantage of the trend toward greater sustainability for your success.
Our partnership with a coffee producer is noteworthy. He can provide you with organic and Fairtrade coffee grounds and coffee beans in your preferred corporate pack design. You can use the coffee grounds or coffee beans in your hotel or guest house and sell the high-quality coffee packs for additional income. Every kilogram of coffee will plant a new tree with us for free. The tree-planting activity closes the natural cycle automatically.
If you would like to combine the rental of your location with a tree package, you can find more information on our separate page for the MICE industry.
General procedure
- We help you choose the best tree package to combine with your offers.
- We provide you with all the information you need.
- You upgrade your service portfolio with a tree package offer.
- You propose a future name for a tree package, for example, environmental lump sum, CO2 compensation package, or climate protection contribution.
- You add this new offer to your regular services and proposals, the same way you do for other services, such as breakfast for a surcharge, extra bed, bike rental, and shuttle service.
- You can also create new offers that include a tree package, similar to how you would make wellness-spa special offers or special weekend offers.

Of course, you can also sponsor trees for your services. You get a certificate from us for planting trees and also you will receive a tree signet that you can embed into your website. The signet is an automatic tree counter, which will immediately inform visitors to your website that you care about nature and climate protection.