Planting trees in Saxony

In autumn 2024, we will plant our first trees in Saxony. We have two options. One is located between Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig.
The other one is near Bautzen (details coming soon).

aufforstung, sachsen, chemnitz, dresden, heimischer wald, naturschutz (ffh)

Tree project between Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig

Starting this year, you can support reforestation in Saxony. The first project location is in Mahlitzsch at 04741 Roßwein. The damaged area is approximately 10.5 hectares, which is part of a forest with 75 hectares in total, owned by a private forest owner. The intact forest is grown by oak, beech, maple, birch, aspen, rowan and cherry. Distances to the following locations: 

  • Chemnitz: 43 km
  • Dresden: 45 km
  • Leipzig: 74 km

Goal: reforestation and create a climate-resilient mixed forest for the future.
New tree varieties: fir, larch, douglas fir.

waldgebiet, naturschutz (ffh), baeume planzen, heimischer wald, baum-abo
regionale aufforstung, sachsen, nähe chemnitz, baeume pflanzen

Features of the forest
The forest is a bird sanctuary and is under European Nature Conservation (FFH). Trees and a forest are valuable for all fauna and flora – and are not just a vehicle to filter and store CO2. Unfortunately, this is forgotten far too often.

There used to be various types of coniferous trees here, but they have been completely displaced. That’s why we want to bring them back. They are important for the forest.

Would you like to contribute to preserve the forest? Then we look forward to hearing from you. There are various ways you can get involved, for example through a tree subscription or tree sponsorship. We would be happy to arrange a PR/marketing appointment on the planting site, where you can symbolically plant a few trees and your own pictures.