Help Recover Our Forests

Help Recover Our Burning Forests

Every year, raging fires destroy portions of valuable forests in various countries around the world. Usually, as far as the eye can see, there is nothing left of the beauty of such forests. Brave firefighters die in forest fires; people lose their homes, and the carbon dioxide (CO2) released warms the atmosphere and affects the climate.

Climate change and atmospheric warming are leading to an increase in the frequency and severity of forest fires. Climate change causes droughts, trees weakened by bark beetles, and many other factors, all of which contribute to the unchecked spread of forest fires. Let’s plant millions of trees to reduce the impact of these natural disasters, which are destroying the foundation of all our lives worldwide. Help to maintain the beauty of our earth and bring the climate back into balance.

Chain of cause and effect – droughts

  • Droughts (dry air) => increasing danger of inflammation; dry turf and lightning strikes increase the likelihood of wildfires and more mega forest fires (such as in Australia in 2019-2020) => vast quantities of CO2 released to the atmosphere => global warming => more droughts.
  • Droughts (dry trees) => booming bark beetle populations => forest devastations => release of stored CO2 into the atmosphere => global warming = more droughts.

Consequences of rising temperatures on earth

  • Ice melt worldwide in the mountains and the polar caps
  • Scarcity of freshwater
  • Some populations of species are booming, e.g., mosquitoes, ticks, jellyfish, crop pests, and bark beetles
  • Global sea level is rising by 3.4 millimeters every year
  • Erosion of coastal lines
  • Increasing drought

Bark beetles are a big problem for forests. They have already devastated millions of hectares of forests. Their population has exploded over the last few years because of higher temperatures and increasing droughts in forested areas. Their immense distribution upsets the natural balance of an intact forest, which leads to even greater destruction during a forest fire. The more forest fires release CO2 into our atmosphere, the more likely new mega forest fires will occur.

Every forest fire leads to the emission of CO2 in enormous quantities, which leads to more droughts and more bark beetles. It’s a vicious cycle. Therefore, start planting trees today to help the world recover and get back to normal!